Volunteering in the school

Colorful FishVolunteering is at the heart of so many of the amazing activities at Churchill, and is the foundation of the partnership between families and the school that makes the Alternative Program possible. Indeed – one of the alternative tenants is Family Involvement!
here are so many ways that parents/guardians/family members can make a difference at Churchill. Whatever your skill set or interest, there’s quite likely a way for you to contribute!
Common volunteering opportunities include reading with students or other activities in the classroom, helping with the hot lunch program, or creating learning materials. Parents are also critical for field trips, movie nights, other special events, fundraising, clubs, and being present at school council meetings. If these volunteer opportunities don’t fit your skill set or interests, let us know what you can contribute.
If you are a parent or guardian of a student, please contact your child’s teacher,  Vanessa Ogungbemile [email protected] (our school principal), or the Churchill Alternative School Council to explore possible volunteer opportunities!
For interested community volunteers: If you are a college or university student looking for work experience, a retired educator, or any other member of our general community, we also welcome you as volunteers. You must first be screened through the Ottawa Network for Education – Ottawa Volunteers in Education program. They will guide you through the process and match you with a school to begin your volunteer experience. Please visit the ONFE site at: www.onfe-rope.com, click on Programs, to get started.

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