About Us

Quick Facts

  • Our school is home to approximately 200 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 each year.
  • We offer full-day bilingual Kindergarten as well as the Alternative English program with Core French.

Mission Statement

Each child will find success, self-confidence, and independence in learning. A positive atmosphere conducive to learning, mutual respect and social responsibility will exist throughout the school. Creativity and a love of the arts will be fostered. Parents will be partners in the education of their children. Staff will engage in professional development activities creating an atmosphere of lifelong growth. Evaluation will be used by children and teachers for program planning. A sense of community will exist.


Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page.

About Our School

Located in the heart of Westboro, Churchill Alternative School serves students enrolled in the Alternative program within our designated boundary area. To view the specific boundary map, please visit this link.

Churchill provides the Alternative program to a diverse group of students and is known for its strong community, unique philosophy, and commitment to excellence in education.

Our alternative program is built on seven tenets:

  1. Cooperation and teamwork
  2. Innovative approaches 
  3. Balanced student-directed and teacher-directed learning
  4. Multi-aged groupings
  5. Integrated curriculum 
  6. Family and community-centered school environment
  7. Ongoing assessment and evaluation


The students in the junior grades in each classroom develop excellent leadership skills and become mentors to the younger students in the school. Students are encouraged to set academic and social goals and to share their learning through regular conferencing with their teachers, and then again with their parents during student-led conferences.

We recognize and respect that all children have different learning styles and work at their own pace. We encourage our students to explore new ways to discover and learn through field trips, monthly sharings, extracurricular activities, guest presenters, and our regular daily activities. The inclusion model for learning is supported throughout the school and is reinforced in our combined grade activities and purposeful groupings.


Churchill’s staff is a dedicated team who takes pride in its involvement with our students, their families and our community, as partners. The staff embraces the alternative philosophy and promotes the alternative tenets in all of their practices, both in and out of the classroom. Staff follow the Ontario Curriculum in many unique and diverse ways, including team teaching and offering multiple opportunities for students to engage in cross curricular and multi-age groupings and activities. Staff liaises with the Westboro Community Association, the Westboro Seniors group, the Dovercourt Recreation Centre, local businesses, the Legion, the Ottawa-Carleton Primary Teachers’ Association, Associate Teacher partnerships with faculties of education and with various sports organizations. These are just a few of our community connections.

Parents/Guardians and Community

Located in the heart of Westboro, Churchill Alternative School serves students enrolled in the Alternative program within our designated boundary area. To view the specific boundary map, please visit this link. There is access to several city-facilitated community centres and we use the Delude Arena and Dovercourt Recreation Centre for skating, use of their field, swim to survive programs, etc.

Parents are an essential part of our school. We work as a triad (parents, students and staff). They are involved in everything from field trips, electives days, co-teaching, running activities, and fundraising.

We offer the following academic programs:

  • Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction.
  • Alternative English Program with Core French (Grades 1-6): Instruction in the English language in all subject areas as well as instruction in French through Core French (40 minutes daily).

Churchill’s special education team includes a learning support teacher, learning resource teachers, educational assistants and classroom teachers, all of whom work collaboratively to provide support for our students. The team provides accommodations, modifications and remediation both within the classroom and in small group settings called ‘booster groups’.


Students have opportunities to get involved in a wide range of clubs, athletic teams, and activities. For more details, visit our Teams and Clubs page

Our school offers the following:

  • Modern gym with a stage
  • An inviting library with a well-stocked selection of books for all interests
  • Several small rooms for use as tutorial/testing areas
  • Outdoor play area with structures to meet all needs, sand areas and basketball hoops
  • A brand new yard with a turf field, a slide, several platforms with shady areas and a stage
  • A brand new Kindergarten yard with a new playstructure, outdoor learning space and a sandbox with a fossil dig area
  • ‘Back to Nature area’ for class activities

Our multicultural students find a safe, stimulating environment where an atmosphere of mutual respect for all cultures in Canada is cultivated. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover.

A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility. 

For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.