Achievement and SIP

ClassroomMeasures of Student Achievement and Success

As an Alternative School, Churchill’s mission and values support learning through group and cooperative work. Churchill uses authentic forms of assessment (such as portfolios and learning based on goal-setting) as means of assessing student performance along with some more formal methods of assessment. Student portfolios and student-led conferences are keys to keeping parents informed of their child’s progress.

Information is based on student self-evaluation and goal setting, on teacher observation charts and classroom and standardized tests, as well as on parent observation. In the past, reporting has been completed by anecdotal conference and report forms that described the student’s progress towards the outcomes from their personal viewpoint, with strengths being highlighted and areas of weakness being referenced. While the provincial report retains some opportunities for anecdotal comment, our reporting protocol must follow the required format.

Again this year, together with our Educational Committee, teachers and parents will exchange authentic assessment approaches, which enhance communication, carefully describe standards and clearly articulate provincial expectations. With this focus, report cards will continue to be sent home with only anecdotal comments and no marks. A variety of methods are used to evaluate student progress towards provincial expectations and to communicate successes to both parents and students. Benchmarks in the primary grades and CASI in the junior grades as well as EQAO are other assessment tools used at Churchill. The results of these tests are used to help identify specific strengths and weaknesses and allow our staff to build on a child’s strengths and offer opportunities for direct, small group instruction to work on areas of need.

School Improvement Plans and Initiatives

NumeracyWe continue to work with local businesses/contacts to assist in developing plans for community needs: e.g. Westboro Community Association, TD Bank, Westboro United Church, All Saints Anglican Church, and Dovercourt Recreation Centre.

This year our School Improvement Plan will focus on:


We will focus on Problem Solving and Estimation. We will be assessing students through a variety of hands on activities throughout the year to inform our daily practice.

Character Development

We will continue to promote a positive school climate by integrating Character Education into all aspects of our programming and use a ‘restorative justice’ approach when resolving conflicts. Students, staff, parents, and all guests in our school treat each other with dignity and respect and accept each other for the individuals that we are and demonstrate empathy and compassion towards others. We understand and embrace the importance of being responsible citizens in our school and in our community and represent ourselves accordingly.

Parents are expected to make a personal commitment to a common philosophy and view of education as an essential feature of the Alternative approach. Parents play a critical role in the classroom in helping to develop programs and volunteer throughout the year for various activities. Participation may also take place outside the classroom through committee work. Every parent is expected to attend class meetings and to be involved in the policy-making decision of the school council. Parents are advocates of the Alternative philosophy at various levels, from the school to the board. At Churchill, parents are partners in the education of their children. Their contributions and dedication are highly valued.

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